November 14, 2023
Mooresville, NC- The 2023 season is in the books and Jeffrey Earnhardt had multiple bright spots to reflect on during his time with Alpha Prime Racing. “We had a lot of ups & downs this year but there were several races that gave us reason for satisfaction” said Earnhardt. “We were running well at a lot of races where the finish didn’t tell the whole story. In Bristol we were competing with teams in the top 10 for a lot of the race and that happened multiple times this year. We had some untimely equipment failures that hurt our finishes but I felt like I did some of my best driving this season.”

Earnhardt demonstrated his skills at the super speedways and his short track performances were high points for the team. “I’m seeing him make moves on the track that you see at the peak of the Cup level” commented Vice President of Jeffrey Earnhardt Inc., Nikko Lavey. “I’ve watched Jeffrey mature into a top driver. His ability to drive beyond the equipment was on full display this season and if we can get him in more competitive cars there’s no question he will win races.”
That bell rang temporarily during the 2023 season when Jeffrey joined Dale Jr. on his podcast and the table was set to discuss the potential of Jeffrey racing for JRM in 2024. “Jeffrey is obviously very fond of his uncle and when the comment was made about putting Jeffrey on his team I immediately pursued the opportunity” said Lavey. “We thought Jeffrey racing at JRM was finally going to become a reality but in August I got word that they were going in a different direction and that was tough news. Without getting into the details, it was a major setback for us on the sponsor front and put us in a position to scramble for 2024 plans.”
JEI has partnered with a marketing agency to secure the additional sponsorship required to race in top equipment. “We’re a bit behind the eight ball right now but the plan is to go for quality rather than quantity in 2024” said Earnhardt. “I feel like if I’m on a team that can run in the top 10 we will win races. I’m not sure how many rides we can get due to the change in plans but we’re working hard on the business side of the fence and will press to maximize the opportunities. I’m blessed with our current partners ForeverLawn and hope to have news to share in the very near future.”
Earnhardt has a team onboard and several sponsors returning so expect news to break soon on his destination for 2024.